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We are the Powerful, Free Fundraising Platform

Proven, multi-purpose crowdfunding technology for effective organizational individual fundraising.

  • Start your campaigns
  • Share with friends
  • Manage Donations
Create Donation Campaign

Our Features

We believe that we can save more life with you.

Became Volunteer

Became a volunteer if you are a otivated & ready to support people and the community.

Quick Fundraise

The simplest and quickest way to make a donation, so you can support people in need.

Start a Donation

Start donating for our campaigns to support poor people and our children’s to school.

The mission and goal of our organization

We provide a trusted platform for peoples of worldwide to support people and organizers.

Manage your campaigns

Track how many people signed the petition by week, month, year.

Collecting donation

Campaign owners can set up to receive donations from supporters.

Withdraw your money

Withdraw your money to bank account or Paypal easily with few set up.